Pedestrian & Traffic Counts

Buckeye Hills Regional Council conducts pedestrian and traffic counts as a service for communities in our eight member counties. Such counts are helpful, or even required, in many transportation and infrastructure grant applications. You can check the ODOT map below to see if they have recently conducted a count for the road(s) in question. If not, you can file a request with our planning team using the form below to request a count.

ODOT Traffic Counts

Before requesting a traffic count from Buckeye Hills Regional Council, please check the map below to see if ODOT has recently recorded a count for your road. Zoom in on the map using the “+” button to view data. You can use the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the map to find a specific address or location.

Advice Line

Older Adults & Caregivers

We connect older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers with relevant program and enrollment information.

Need immediate help for yourself or a loved one?

Community Leaders

We provide local community leaders with up-to-date strategic data, program information, and funding opportunities.

Need funding for a project in your community?

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